Not sure what you mean on this,i've check and tried to use Skin wrap modifier,I'm still beginner with 3DS MAX,I'm using Student version of 3DS MAX and VRAY at moment and still I'm not best with 3DS MAX Yes in the modifier stack are morphs,without the morphs those clothes will not fit or doesn't fit figure G2F,I've tried to remove all morphs or which I've think they can cause,but nothing has helpedĢ). Those are the only things I can think of at the moment.ġ). Third, make sure there's no displacement in the materials, and if there is, check that the value in the deformed one isn't screwed up. Something like a tight bathingsuit should prob use the Skin Wrap modifier. If that the case, then you just have to do the skinning by hand. I'm thinking the envelopes got screwed up in the deformed translation, which could cause this kind of effect too. Second, check the envelopes of the skinning on the character, or clothing. Decimator: to decrease the polygon amounts on selected meshesī.Quote - First, are there any morphs present in the modifier stack in the deformed version? If there's a morpher modifier in the stack, make sure there isn't a weird morph causing the deformation. To optimize high-polygon characters for iClone real-time animation, you are suggested to use the following tools:Ī. We suggest that you use 512x512 images for eyes, and 1024x1024 images for the rest of body parts. We also suggest that you embed textures in the iAvatar file, which you can easily share on different computers without "path not found" issues.

Optionally, you may apply higher resolution textures to your character after conversion. For Genesis standard characters, 1024 x 1024 for each texture image is sufficient for a good visual presentation.

To ensure you have an optimized character for real-time rendering and visual display, you may resize selected textures from the texture link folder. Some DAZ characters come with extremely large (4Kx4K) texture images, which might take a lot of video memory and slow down your computer. Please specify the appropriate maximum texture size before exporting DAZ FBX to iClone iAvatar.