Making a clickable table of contents in word
Making a clickable table of contents in word

making a clickable table of contents in word making a clickable table of contents in word

Every graduate student will agree that any time saved is golden! For dissertation and thesis writers, not only will creating a linked table of contents make navigating your document easier for users but the table of contents will be more easily updatable as you revise your content.This is where hyperlinking in Microsoft Word becomes important. Even if you write and publish long reports as a PDF, you must still consider the best way for readers to access and navigate your document. Authors of books, whether fiction or nonfiction, are choosing to self-publish, and that means making and distributing functional ebooks. Dissertations and theses are often published online. On the option for Navigation Tab, select "Bookmarks Panel and Page.In today’s digital age, much of the content you produce in Microsoft Word will be replicated beyond paper. To do this, go to FILE > PROPERTIES and select the tab Initial View. Then, before sending out your PDF, you need to make sure that the Bookmarks panel will display when your end-users open your PDF. To do this, you can drag a bookmark into another bookmark. You can also include expandable bookmarks if you'd like to have, say, a bookmark to a particular chapter, and then bookmarks to sections within that chapter all within that bookmark. You can then name the Bookmark appropriately.

making a clickable table of contents in word

To create a new bookmark, first go to the place in your document that you want to bookmark and hit command-B (for Bookmark) or click on Options in the top of the Bookmarks panel and select New Bookmark. To open the Bookmarks panel, go to the view menu and select VIEW > NAVIGATION PANELS > BOOKMARKS. The next thing I like to do is to create bookmarks to each of the important sections within the document. This will then display a dialog box presenting you with options for how you want your link to look and where you'd like it to link to. With this tool selected, drag an area around the item that you want to make clickable. The first is to use the LINK tool, which you can find in the Tools menu under TOOLS > ADVANCED EDITING > LINK TOOL. When it comes to setting up links within a PDF, I like to combine two methods. With Acrobat, there are usually several ways to do things.

Making a clickable table of contents in word